List of Queries and Mutations
The queries and mutations currently available using the GraphQL API are as follows:
Customer Management
Use Case | Query/Mutation Object | Payload Object(s) |
Assign Existing Contact Information for a Customer to Another Contact Type (Billing, Delivery, Licensee) | mutation.updateCustomerContacts | updatedContact in UpdateCustomerPayload |
Assign Existing Contact Information for a Purchase to Another Contact Type (Billing, Delivery, Licensee) | mutation.updatePurchaseContacts | updatedPurchase in UpdatePurchasePayload |
Create a New Contact (Billing, Delivery, Licensee) for a Customer | mutation.updateCustomerContacts | updatedContact in UpdateCustomerPayload |
Create a New Contact (Billing, Delivery, Licensee) for a Purchase | mutation.updatePurchaseContacts | updatedPurchase in UpdatePurchasePayload |
Create a Customer | mutation.createCustomer | createdCustomer in CreateCustomerPayload |
Delete Personal Data of a Customer (Billing, Delivery, Licensee, except the country data) | mutation.deletePersonalCustomerData | updatedPurchase in UpdatePurchasePayload |
Get Customer's Profile and Transaction Data | query.customer | any of the objects in Customer |
Search for a Customer | query.customerSearch | any of the objects in CustomerSearchResult |
Update a Contact (Billing, Delivery, Licensee) for a Customer | mutation.updateCustomerContacts | updatedContact in UpdateCustomerPayload |
Update a Contact (Billing, Delivery, Licensee) for a Purchase | mutation.updatePurchaseContacts | updatedPurchase in UpdatePurchasePayload |
Update Customer Contact Information | mutation.updateContact | updatedContact in UpdateContactPayload |
Update Customer's Payment Profile with Boleto Data | mutation.setBoletoPaymentData | paymentProfile in PaymentProfilePayload |
Update Customer's Payment Profile with Brazilian Bank Account Data | mutation.setBrazilianBankAccountData | paymentProfile in PaymentProfilePayload |
Update Customer's Payment Profile with Credit Card Data | mutation.setCreditCardData | paymentProfile in PaymentProfilePayload |
Update Customer's Payment Profile with Debit Card Data | mutation.setDebitCardData | paymentProfile in PaymentProfilePayload |
Update Customer's Payment Profile with Generic Payment Data | mutation.setGenericPaymentData | paymentProfile in PaymentProfilePayload |
Update Customer's Payment Profile with IDEAL Data | mutation.setIdealPaymentData | paymentProfile in PaymentProfilePayload |
Update Customer's Payment Profile with SEPA Bank Account Data | mutation.setSepaBankAccountData | paymentProfile in PaymentProfilePayload |
Use Case | Query/Mutation Object | Payload Object(s) |
Generate a New Email for a Purchase | mutation.generateMail | emails in EmailPayload |
Prevent an Email from Being Sent | mutation.holdMail | updatedEmail in EmailPayload |
Place an Email in a Queue to be Sent | mutation.queueMail | updatedEmail in EmailPayload |
Send an Email Immediately | mutation.sendMail | updatedEmail in EmailPayload |
View Customer Emails | query.purchase | emails in the EmailsPayload |
License Keys/Downloads
Use Case | Query/Mutation Object | Payload Object(s) |
Get Key Lists for Client Account | query.keyLists | any of the objects in KeyList |
Get Key Generators for Client Account | query.keyGenerators | any of the objects in KeyGenerator |
Renew a License Key | mutation.renewKey | renewedPurchaseItemDelivery in RenewPayload |
Renew a Download Link | mutation.renewLink | renewedPurchaseItemDelivery in RenewPayload |
Products, Plans, and Catalogs
Use Case | Query/Mutation Object | Payload Object(s) |
Convert Price of One Currency into Price of Another Currency | query.currencyConversion | any of the objects in CurrencyAmount |
Create a Product | mutation.createProduct | createdProduct in CreateProductPayload |
Delete a Product | mutation.deleteProduct | deletedProductId in ProductDeletePayload |
Display Local Pricing on Website | query.cart | any of the objects in Cart |
Update Product Information | mutation.updateProduct | updatedProduct in UpdateProductPayload |
View Information for All of Your Products | query.products | any of the objects in Product |
View Information for One of Your Products | query.product | any of the objects in Product |
Quote Links
Use Case | Query/Mutation Object | Payload Object(s) |
Delete a Protected URL | mutation.deleteProtectedUrl | deletedProtectedUrlId in DeleteProtectedUrlPayload |
Generate a Protected URL | mutation.generateProtectedUrl | generatedProtectedUrl in GenerateProtectedUrlPayload |
Get Checksum for a Dynamic Product URL | query.dynamicProductChecksum | string |
Get Tracking Parameters | query.trackingParameters | any of the objects in TrackingParameter |
Search for a Protected URL | query.protectedUrlSearch | any of the objects in ProtectedUrlSearchResult |
Update a Protected URL | mutation.updateProtectedUrl | updatedProtectedUrl in UpdateProtectedUrlPayload |
Purchase Management
Use Case | Query/Mutation Object | Payload Object(s) |
Add X-Parameters to a Purchase for Reporting Purposes | mutation.updateExtraParameters | extraParameters in ExtraParametersPayload |
Fetch Purchases with Specific Search Parameters | query.purchaseSearch | any of the objects in PurchaseSearchResult |
Update X-Parameters of a Purchase for Reporting Purposes | mutation.updateExtraParameters | extraParameters in ExtraParametersPayload |
View Purchase Information | query.purchase | any of the objects in Purchase |
View Purchase Documents | query.purchaseDocuments | any of the objects in PurchaseDocument |
Report Visualization
Use Case | Query/Mutation Object | Payload Object(s) |
Fetch BI Bookmark Data for One Report | query.biBookmark | any of the objects in BiBookmark |
Fetch BI Bookmark Data for All Reports | query.biBookmarks | any of the objects in BiBookmark |
Update BI Bookmark Data | mutation.updateBiBookmark | biBookmark in UpdateBiBookmarkPayload |
Subscription Management
Use Case | Query/Mutation Object | Payload Object(s) |
Add a Discount to a Subscription Item | mutation.applyCoupon | subscriptionItem in UpdateProductPayload |
Create a Subscription | mutation.createSubscription | createdSubscription in CreateSubscriptionPayload |
Deactivate a Subscription Item | mutation.deactivateSubscriptionItem | subscriptionItem in SubscriptionItemPayload |
Reinstate a Subscription Item | mutation.reinstateSubscriptionItem | subscriptionItem in SubscriptionItemPayload |
Renew a Subscription | mutation.renewSubscription | any of the objects in RenewSubscriptionResult |
Update Next Billing Date for a Subscription | mutation.updateNextBillingDate | updatedSubscription in UpdateNextBillingDatePayload |
Update the Renewal Type for a Subscription | mutation.updateRenewalType | updatedSubscriptio in UpdateRenewalTypePayload |
View Subscription Information | query.subscription | any of the objects in Subscription |
Cleverbridge Internal Queries and Mutations
Add Backup CD | mutation.addBackupCd | newBackupCdPurchase in AddBackupCdResult |
Add Coupon Code | mutation.refundCoupon | refundedPurchase in RefundPayload |
Cancel a Purchase | mutation.cancelPurchase | processedPurchase inPurchasePayload |
Convert Order to Purchase Order | mutation.convertOrderToPurchaseOrder | convertedPurchaseOrder in ConvertOrderToPurchaseOrderResult |
Create a Follow-up for a Customer Service Team | mutation.createFollowup | followUp in FollowUpPayload |
Create a History Entry for a Purchase | mutation.createHistoryEntry | createdHistoryEntry in CreateHistoryEntryPayload |
Delete a Follow-up for a Customer Service Team | mutation.deleteFollowUp | followUp in FollowUpPayload |
Execute Delivery Process | mutation.executeDeliveryProcess | updatedPurchase in ExecuteDeliveryProcessResult |
Get Client Account Information for a Client | query.client | any of the objects in Client |
Get Configurations for a Client Account | query.configurations | any of the objects in Configuration |
Get Client Account Information for All Clients | query.clients | any of the objects in Client |
Get Downloaded Files for a Customer | query.downloadFiles | any of the objects in ClientFile |
Get Departments that a Logged-In Cleverbridge user has Access to | query.departments | any of the objects in Department |
Get Error Log Entries that Correspond to Search Parameters | query.errorLogSearch | any of the objects in ErrorLogEntrySearchResult |
Get Follow-up for a Customer Service Team | query.followUp | any of the objects in FollowUp |
Get Follow-Ups that Correspond to Search Parameters | query.followUpSearch | any of the objects in FollowUpSearchResult |
Get Follow-Up Reason Categories that Correspond to a Specific Context | query.followUpReasonCategories | any of the objects in FollowUpReasonCategory |
Get Follow-Up Reasons that Correspond to a Specific Context | query.followUpReasons | any of the objects in FollowUpReason |
Get Images for a Client Account | query.images | any of the objects in ClientWebbinary |
Get Information for a Logged-In User | query.currentUser | any of the objects in CurrentUser |
Get Lookups (Search Filter Values) | query.lookups | any of the objects in Lookups |
Get Offices that a Logged-In User has Access to | query.offices | any of the objects in Office |
Get Preview of a Shopping Cart | query.subscriptionCart | any of the objects in SubscriptionCart |
Get Preview of Several Shopping Carts | query.subscriptionCarts | any of the objects in SubscriptionCarts |
Get Refund Reasons that Correspond to Particular Refund Type | query.refundReasons | any of the objects in RefundReason |
Get Shopping Cart from a User Session | query.sessionCart | any of the objects in SessionCart |
Get Templates for a Client Account | query.templates | any of the objects in Template |
Get User Account Information for a Logged-In User | query.userAccounts | any of the objects in UserAccount |
Process a Purchase | mutation.processPurchase | processedPurchase inPurchasePayload |
Reset Payment Change Counter | mutation.resetPaymentChangeCounter | updatedPurchase in UpdatePurchasePayload |
Refund Amount for Item | mutation.refundItems | refundedPurchase in RefundPayload |
Refund Partial Amount | mutation.refundAmount | refundedPurchase in RefundPayload |
Refund Total Amount | mutation.refundAll | refundedPurchase in RefundPayload |
Refund VAT | mutation.refundVat | refundedPurchase in RefundPayload |
Update a Follow-Up for a Customer Service Team | mutation.updateFollowUp | followUp in FollowUpPayload |
Update a Purchase Order Number | mutation.updateCustomerPurchaseOrderNo | updatedPurchase in UpdatePurchasePayload |
Update a User Session | mutation.updateSession | updatedSession in UpdateSessionPayload |
Update an Error Log Entry | mutation.updateErrorLog | updatedErrorLog in ErrorLogEntryPayload |
Updated 10 days ago