Subscription Event Type

Subscription Event Type CodeDescription
rollbackA previously made subscription upgrade is rolled back. For example, a customer increased the quantity of the subscription items from 3 to 7, and they want to change it back to 3.
incqtyA customer increases either the number of product licenses attached to the subscription item, or the data limit related to the subscription.
updNextBDThe billing date of a customer's subscription was changed.
renewedA subscription was renewed.
renTypeUpdThe subscription renewal type has been updated from automatic to manual or vice versa.
renewalReqA subscription renewal has been requested via theRenewSubscription REST API endpoint.
newA customer signed up for a subscription.
addA customer added a new subscription item to an existing subscription.
deactivateA subscription was deactivated, and it won't be renewed automatically on the renewal date.
downgradeA customer's current subscription product is switched to a lower-priced substitute via the UpdateSubscriptionItem or UpdateSubscriptionItemPrice REST API endpoints.
reinstateA previously deactivated subscription or subscription item has been reactivated.
removeA subscription item was removed from the subscription.
updateA subscription item was updated via the UpdateSubscriptionItem or UpdateSubscriptionItemPrice REST API endpoints.
upgradeA customer's subscription capabilities are expanded via the UpdateSubscriptionItem or UpdateSubscriptionItemPrice REST API endpoints.