Cleverbridge has decided to fight a chargeback request and needs you to provide us with additional information to help us fight it.
JSON Reference
This notification uses the Reimbursement Model.
This notification is delivered via email. Make sure to set up a Contact as the email recipient who can provide Cleverbridge with the information that they require. For more information about email notifications and contacts, see Manage Notifications.
There are two types of notifications which relate to chargebacks:
To receive both notifications, you must set up two separate notifications in the Commerce Assistant under Tools > Add Notifications. In the first notification, you should select Chargeback under Notification Events. In the second notification, you should select Chargeback information request under Notification Events. If you create one notification with both of these events, you will not receive the
"company":"Your Company Name",
"companyRomanized":"Your Company Name",
"company":"Your Company Name",
"companyRomanized":"Your Company Name",
"company":"Your Company Name",
"companyRomanized":"Your Company Name",
"httpUserAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
"deliveryType":"cleverbridge delivers full version by download",
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cbn:ChargebackInformationRequestNotification xmlns:cbn="">
<cbn:Purchase xmlns:cbt="" cbt:Id="139950636">
<cbt:Company>Your Company Name</cbt:Company>
<cbt:CompanyRomanized>Your Company Name</cbt:CompanyRomanized>
<cbt:Company>Your Company Name</cbt:Company>
<cbt:CompanyRomanized>Your Company Name</cbt:CompanyRomanized>
<cbt:Company>Your Company Name</cbt:Company>
<cbt:CompanyRomanized>Your Company Name</cbt:CompanyRomanized>
<cbt:HttpUserAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36</cbt:HttpUserAgent>
<cbt:Item cbt:RunningNo="1">
<cbt:ProductNameExtension />
<cbt:DeliveryType>cleverbridge delivers full version by download</cbt:DeliveryType>
<cbt:Filename />
<cbt:Additionals />
<cbt:ExtraParameters />
<cbt:RecurringBilling cbt:SubscriptionId="S25669715" cbt:SubscriptionItemRunningNo="1">
<cbt:ExtraParameters />